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What are the benefits that British Uni-
versity Vietnam (BUV) offers students
that would convince them to choose
your institution?
Parents investing in their children’s
education at BUV are investing in a
British degree taught by a 100 per cent
international faculty, with full approval
of both the Ministries of Education in
Britain and Vietnam. Students studying
a British degree at BUV do not only learn
about the theory of business, they also
gain the skills that are required by lead-
ing global businesses. These graduate
capabilities ensure that our graduates
are well rounded professionals that can
contribute to the success of the compa-
nies they work for.
For the family a BUV degree pro-
vides exceptional value for money, par-
ents don’t have to pay rent and flights
and fees are lower than would be
paid in Europe [$8,000 as opposed to
$40,000 per year]. The degree earned
enables students to apply for postgrad-
uate studies in Great Britain, Europe,
Australia, America and Asia as well as
being a degree which is accepted by all
major employers.
Currently, investment in interna-
tional universities in Vietnam comes
mostly from developed countries
where the cultures are different from
Vietnamese culture. How do you mar-
ry the two?
Maintaining the Vietnamese cul-
ture is very important and BUV aims to
develop this in its students, both Viet-
namese and international. To achieve
this goal, our lecturers contextualise
their courses so as to increase aware-
ness of business and culture within Vi-
etnam as well as other international
business centres. Today, the world is a
global village where trade, communi-
cations and finance are all rapidly de-
veloping. BUV believes that successful
graduates are those that not only fully
understand their own culture, but can
adapt to others in order to increase the
level of success in business and life.
We believe the blend of British/In-
ternational learning with the develop-
Boosting grey matter at
British University Vietnam
talks to
Graeme Davies
president of British
University Vietnam,
about learning at an
international university
right here in Vietnam