Page 37 - M2Y2014

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as a quality holiday destination. At Luxury Travel we have
to educate them and offer them familiarisation trips to
experience the country before they sell to their sophisti-
cated clients.
Companies such as mine need the support of VNAT to
market Vietnam, and VNAT needs to work with the travel
professionals throughout the country to understand the
market and its potential and get the right message out.
According to ILTM, 3 per cent of high spending tour-
ists account for 20 per cent of total tourism income. This
market cannot be overlooked. What are the practical
implications for Vietnam tourism and how can it
position itself to make the best out of it? How can we
capture this market - a market that is the least suseptable
to recession?
With its many sites and range of high-end accommoda-
tion, Vietnam offers the potential for luxury tourism. We
should examine the success stories of Thailand and Malay-
sia. Vietnam can meet the demands of the luxury market
with ease as we have the product, something we have been
doing at Luxury Travel since 2004, but without proper PR
and marketing, Vietnam will still find itself struggling to
attract more high spenders.